
This image was generated from a group of sail photos.
Bahamas - 2017
Warderick Wells, Bahamas - 2017
Bahamas - 2017
Warderick Wells, Bahamas - 2017
Warderick Wells, Bahamas - 2017
Warderick Wells, Bahamas - 2017. As per the tradition, we placed the Randy Jo sign atop Boo Boo Hill in memory of our beloved Randy Jo and in memory of the wonderful sailing vessel, Randy Jo. The Randy Jo is anchored in the background in this picture.
Warderick Wells, Bahamas - 2017
South Table Bay at Norman Cay, Bahamas - 2017
at Ty's Sunset Bar and Grill, Little Farmer Cay, Bahamas - 2017
Randy Jo, York River Yacht Haven, Glouchester Point, MD - 2012
York River Yacht Haven, Glouchester Point, MD - 2012
Cape Charles, Chesapeake Bay, MD - 2012
Belize - 2010
Tobacco Cay, Belize - 2010
near the reef, Belize - 2010
Livingston harbor, Guatemala - 2010
Belize - 2010
Tobacco Cay, Belize - 2010
Rio Dulce, Guatemala - 2010
Rio Dulce, Guatemala - 2010
Rio Dulce, Guatemala - 2010